Senior Expert for ETCS and ATO at the DB Cargo Headquarter
Baseliyos Jacob earned his degree in Electrical Engineering in information- and communication-technologies at the University of Applied Sciences of Augsburg in 2010 and a Master of Business Administration in General Management from the University of Wales/Fern-University Hagen in 2016. He started working for DB already in 2002, and he was responsible for the CCS/ETCS Onboard System development and projects at DB Netz, DB Fernverkehr and DB Cargo to understand the overall system view approach (Infrastructure Manager and Railway Undertaing). Currently he is working as Senior Expert for ETCS and ATO at the DB Cargo Headquarter.
Jacob's presentation at RailTech Europe 2021
"Automated Train Operation (ATO) successfully tested in Rail Freight"
Baseliyos Jacob is giving his presentation at the Tech stage on 31 March during the session on the topic "Automation in Rail".