Created in 1972 in the wake of the hippie movement, the Interrail pass celebrates its 50th anniversary this March. Initially aimed at young people, the pass for train travel across Europe is increasingly popular, across generations.
RailTech Europe 2022
According to Dutch Railways (NS), journey times between Amsterdam and Brussels can be reduced with 40 minutes by skipping many stations, mainly in Belgium, and by deploying the Intercity New Generation (ICNG) train by 2025. The railway operator has launched a survey to see what travellers think of the plan.
Bane NOR has been named a winner of the European Railway Award 2022 for the work on the new digital signaling system ERTMS, which the have planend to roll out on the whole railway network. Manfred Weber, Chairman of the European Parliament’s EPP Group, also won an award, for his legislative support of rail travel among youth.
British rail infrastructure manager Network Rail published its third Adaptation Report focusing on tackling climate change risks to rail. This reports on the progress and future challenges for the UK rail network.
The effects of climate change – more flooding, heat waves and storms – are not just in the future anymore. At the moment, many railways are vulnerable to extreme weather conditions, and research into and adapting rail infrastructure to become more resilient is a huge task for the coming years.
The RailTech Innovation Awards are back, and with more focus on start-ups. For all categories, there is a regular award and one specifically for start-up companies, which play an important role in accelerating innovation in the railway sector.
The international rail event RailTech Europe will be moved to 21, 22 and 23 June 2022. Publisher ProMedia, the organisation behind the event, says the decision has been made as this would allow the event to be held during the summer in a safe, responsible and successful manner for all parties involved.
In Berlin, a freight train equipped with a Digital Automatic Coupler has started a practical test run across Europe, lasting several months. German Federal Minister for Transport Volker Wissing gave the symbolic starting signal for the test programme on Wednesday.
Swedish private operator Snälltåget will run direct night trains to the Alps during the winter season 2022. On 28 January, the first train will depart.
Much progress has been made in the past year with fast connections, night trains and investments in the networks. But despite this, national borders in the EU are still major obstacles on the railways, says Dirk Flege, managing director of the German rail lobby club Allianz pro Schiene. “Cross-border rail travel should and can be much easier – for both passenger and freight transport.”